【MORE】🌞Fine day🌞今日は天気が良かったので石手川公園にお散歩に行きました🤗🎵The weather was fine today, so we went for a walk in Ishitegawa Park.お部屋ではブロックで遊びました🚙🎵素敵な物がたくさん完成していました🤗✨We played with blocks in our room. Many wonderful things were completed.
今日は天気が良かったので石手川公園にお散歩に行きました🤗🎵The weather was fine today, so we went for a walk in Ishitegawa Park.お部屋ではブロックで遊びました🚙🎵素敵な物がたくさん完成していました🤗✨We played with blocks in our room. Many wonderful things were completed.