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【MORE】🎍Happy New Year🎍

明けたしおおめでずうございたす(^^♪今幎も宜しくお願い臎したす✚久しぶりに登園し、友だちや先生に䌚えおずおも嬉しそうな子どもたち🎵今日はお倩気が良かったのでお倖でたくさん遊びたした🀗✚Happy New Year! We look forward to working with you again this year. It has been a while since the children came to the nursery and they were very happy to see their friends and teachers again. Today was a beautiful day, so we played outside.

KoalaクラスずLionクラスの子ども達は近くの公園に遊びに行きたした🀗🎵The children in Koala and Lion classes went to a nearby park to play.


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