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【MORE】Chirstmas Recital



保護者の皆さま、子どもたちの成長をお感じ頂けたでしょうか? 練習を通じて、子どもたちは表現することの楽しさや、お友だちと力を合わせて成し遂げることの達成感を味わうことができたように思います。きっと一つの貴重な体験機会になったことでしょう。😊


Today was our Christmas recital. Everyone really practiced hard for this day. Some children may have cried or were nervous in the unfamiliar venue, but the teachers are happy and proud that everyone was able to participate without missing a day of class and that they worked hard until the end.

To the parents, we hope you could feel the growth of your children. Through the practice, the children were able to experience the joy of expression and the sense of accomplishment of working together with their friends. I am sure that this was a valuable experience for the children.

I would like to thank all the parents and guardians who helped make the event a success. Please enjoy a wonderful Christmas and year-end with your family.





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