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【MORE】Fantastic Friday Fun


今日もとても楽しくクリエイティブに過ごしました! サークルタイムでしっかり英語活動を頑張った後、Rabbitクラスは画用紙にクレヨン描きをしたり、シールを貼ってとても芸術的に過ごしましたよ。

先生と一緒にゲームもしました。写真の通りトマ先生は一度負けてしまったのでがっかり…落ち込んでしまいました。😖 でももう大丈夫😁!



It is almost the weekend !

That is always a good news, especially if like today we get to have so much fun ! We did our best during circle, then let our creative minds wander freely through our crayons and stickers on a blank sheet of paper.

We also played a game with our teachers, he even lost once so he got sad but that's ok, we told him that there is no reason to get mad, it's only a game after all !

And finally we even worked on some more elaborate craft, before having a delicious lunch ! Needless to say, after all this we took a long a well deserved nap !

Let's have fun during the weekend and see you next week !


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