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【MORE】Sports Festival🀗

今日はスポヌツフェスティバルでした。ダンス、かけっこ、䜓操をこの日のために、䞀生懞呜緎習しおきた子どもたちの姿をご芧になっお、いかがだったでしょうか きっずたくさんの成長を感じられたこずでしょう。😀

芪子競技ではご協力をいただきたしおありがずうございたした。笑顔で楜しく参加する皆さんを芋おいるず、私たち職員も幞せな楜しい気分になりたした。😊 今日は頑匵った子どもたちを沢山耒めおあげおくださいね。


Today was the Sports Festival. How was it to see the children practicing dance, running and gymnastics so hard for this day? I am sure you could see a lot of growth. Thank you very much for your cooperation in the parent-child competition. Seeing all of you smiling and enjoying your participation made us, the staff, happy and joyful. Please give lots of praise to the children who did their best today.

Thanks to everyone who cooperated, we were able to finish the event without a hitch. Thank you very much.




えみたすMORE TEL 089-909-3367



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